Transfer your existing phone number to become FINN MOBILE customer. Just follow simple steps below
Prepare to transfer number
Clear your bill and make sure you're not under contract
Obtain PIN code
Dial *151*followed by your ID number then #. For foreigners please send your passport number via SMS to 4444151. Live chat or call 02-202-8585 if you need help to get PIN code
Choose your desired package
Choose your package and sign up
On 'Choose Your Number' page, click 'Transfer Number'
Then, fill in phone number that you want to transfer, fill in PIN code, and click 'Begin Transfer'
Make payment and fill your information
SIM will be delivered within 1 - 3 days (For foreigners, please use passport only)
Wait for SMS
Once you receive the SIM, wait for the result in SMS within 2-5 working days. Then, you can start using the SIM on the day informed in SMS